Cloud > Cloud 실무 과정
Fundamentals of OpenStack® Technology
교육 시작일 후 3일
3일, 09:30~17:30
1,600,000원 KRW (KR)
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OpenStack®은 가장 안정성이 뛰어나고 확장성이 용이하여 현재 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 클라우드 플랫폼입니다.
Openstack® 설치, 환경설정, 관리, 사용방법을 습득할 수 있습니다. 아키텍쳐 Overview 를 통해 OpenStack® 프로젝트와 그 기능을 이해할 수 있습니다.
실습을 통해 Openstack® 환경의 운영경험을 제공합니다.

해당 과정은 기초과정으로 오픈스텍 아키텍쳐 개념을 이해하는데 잘 디자인되어 있으며 충분한 실습을 통해 실무능력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.



System Administrators, engineers and consultants who will plan and manage OpenStack®-based environments.


Module 1: Fundamentals of Openstack® Technology - Course Overview

  • Course objectives
  • Audience
  • Course Agenda – by day


Module 2: Introduction to OpenStack®

  • Defining Cloud Compution
  • Openstack® Overiew



    -Organizational stucture

    -Release History


    -HPE history in open source

    -HPE cloud service portfolio

    -HPE Helion-related products

    -HPE and OpenStack®

  • OpenStack® Architecture

    -Openstack® Projects

    -Conceptual Architecture

    -Inter-Serice Communications

    -High-Level architecture

    -OpenStack® Big Tent and Core Services

    -OpenStack® Project Adoption, Maturity, Age

  • OpenStack® Service APIs

    -Intercommunication between OpenStack® Services

    -OpenStack® Service API Versioning

    -REST AP Microversion Support

    -API Reference Materials

  • OpenStack® Installation and Configuration

    -Configuration Options

    -Primary types of OpenStack® installations

    -Development Environment – DevStack

    -Scripted insallation process

    -Manually installing an OpenStack® sandbox

    -OpenStack® Installation and Configuration documentation

  • Lav Exercises


Module 3: OpenStack® Management Tools

  • Overview of OpenStack® Management Tools

    -OpenStack® RESTful API (Application Programming Interface) Access Methods

    -REST Client Browser-Based UI Plug-ins

    -Using cURL for OpenStack API Requests

    -OpenStack® CLI client

    -OpenStack® Clinet (aka OSC)

    -OpenStack® Horizon (dashboard)

    -Using Python to invoke an OpenStack® API

  • Lab Exercises

    -Exercise 1: Exploring OpenStack® CLI commands

    -Exercise 2: Using a REST client browser plugin to generate API requests to Openstack® Services

    -Exercise 3: Using cURL to send request to OpenStack® through an API

    -Eercise 4: Managing OpenStack® from the Horizon GUI


Module 4: Keystone – OpenStack® Identity Service

  • OpenStack® Keystone (identitiy) Overview

    -Keystone Functionality

    -Keystone API Version States – as of the Liberty Release

    -Keystone identitiy and service management

    -Keystone use cases

    -Keystone Identity (Authentication/Authorization) Process

    -Keystone identity-realted objects

    -Keystone Identitiy-related object Relationships

    -Hierarchal multitenancy

    -Additional Keystone terminology

    -Keystone Su[[ort for Federated Identity

    -Keystone-specific Reference Resources

  • Identity service architecture

    -Internal components of the ldentity service

    -Keystone backend services

  • Common Keystine anagement tasks

    -Managing prijects with the CLI client

    -Managing users with the CLI client

    -Creting a role, project, user, and adding project user to role

    -Managing the service catalog with the CLI client

    -Keystone Identitiy in the Horizon UI

    -Setting user policies in OpenStack®

    -Keystine configuration files

  • Keystie Troubleshooting
  • Lab Exercises

    -Exercise 1: Keympte Identitiy Functionality

    -Exercise 2: Horizon (Dashbord) Identitiy Functionality

    -Exercise 3: OpenStack® Service Catalog and API Access

    -Exercise 4: ldentity API V3



Module 5: Glance – OpenStack® Image Repository

  • Glance Overview

    -Glance Functionality

    -Example Glane Use Case

    -Glance API version States – as of the Liberty Release

    -Glance architecture

    -Glance-supported backend stores

    -Glance disk and container formats

  • Glace images

    -Pre-built images for OpenStack®

    -Custom OpenStack images®

    -Handling custom Glance images


    -Public tools for image creation

  • Common Glance management tasks

    -Glance-related configuration files

    -Common Glance-related CLI commands

    -Using the CLI to load an image in Glance

    -Image caching

    -Glance operations using Horizon

  • Troubleshootion Glance
  • Lab Exercises

    -Exercise 1: Glance from the CLI

    -Exercise 2: Creating a Glance Image from Horizon UI


Module 6: Neutron – OpenStack® Networking Service

  • Virtual Networking Concepts

    -Hosting Device Virtual Machines, and Bare Metal Machines

    -Virtual L2(Layer 2) Switch

    -VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network)

    -Virtual Overaly Networks

    -Floating IP Address

    -Virtual Networking Terminology

  • Neutron Overview

    -Nova Networking vs Neutron

    -Comparing the Nova networking function to Neutron

    -OpenStack® Neutron Enterprise-class NaaS(Networking as a Service)

    -Neutron Features and Functions

    -Neutron Concepts

    -Neutron API version States – as of the Liberty Release

    -Neutron API Network Resources

    -Neutron Networking Terminology

  • Neutron Architecture

    -Neutron components

    -OpenStack® Nodes with Neutron Components

    -OpenStack® Node Networks

    -Network Topologies – Single Flat and Private Network

    -Neutron Topology – Using routers to separate Project Networks

    -Neutron Virtual Networks

    -Example Neutron GRE Overlay Network

    -Neutron DVR (Distributed Virtual Router)

    -Neutron L3 in HA Configuration

  • Common Neutron Management Tasks

    -Commom CLI management tasks

    -Neutron in Horizon – Network Topology

    -Neutron in Horizon – Networks & Routers

  • Troubleshooting Neutron
  • Lab Exercises

    -Exercise 1: Using the CLI to view the current network parameters

    -Exercise 2: Using the Horizon UI to view the network parameters for the demo project

    -Exercise 3: Using the Horizon UI to create and configure a simple flat network


Module 7: Nova – OpenStack® Compute

  • Nova Overview

    -Nova Features and Functions

    -Nova Design Guidelines

    -Nova (Compute) API version States – as of the Liberty Release

    -API Microversioning

    -Common Noca terminology

  • Nova architecture

    -Nova System Architecture

    -Nova supported hypervisors

    -VM Instance creation process

  • Compartmentalizing OpenStack® Deployments

    -Segregating a cloud implementation

    -Regions, Availavility Zones, and Ho

    -Cells – API Cell, Child Cells, Grandchild Cellsst Aggregates

    -Example regional architecture

  • Common Nova Management Tasks

    -Nova configuration files

    -Gathering Information Required to create an Instance

    -Creating an Instance from the CLI

    -Verify Instance was created properly

    -Inserting instance-specific data

    -Creating an instance using the Horizin UT

    -Viewing intance details in the Horizon UI

    -Mamnaging Security Groups from the Horizon UI

    -Assigning a Floating IP Address to an Instance

    -Connection to an instance

    -Managing Instances from the Horizon UI

  • Nova Scheduler

    -Nova Scheduler overview

    -nava-scheduler scheduling algorithms

    -Filter Scheduler – Filters and Weights

    -Default nova-scheduler configuration

    -nova-scheduler filters

    -nova-scheduler wedghts

  • Nova Maintenance

    -Planned compute node maintenance

    -Inspection and recovering data from failed instances

  • Nova Troubleshooting
  • Lab Exercises

    -Execise 1: Verify the required nova services are enabled and happy

    -Execise 2: Create an Instance from the Horizon GUI

    -Execise 3: Accessing an Instance from an external network

    -Execise 4: Pqusing and Suspending the VM

    -Execise 5: Creating a Snapshot


Module 8: Cinder – OpenStack® Block Storage

  • Cinder Overview

    -OpenStack® storag overview

    -Comparison between the OpenStack® storage technologies

    -OpenStack® block storage (Cinder)

    -Block Storage Use Cases

    Cinder Storage Terms

    -OpenStack® Block Storage (aka Cinder) Drivers

    -Block Stoage (Cinder) API version States – as of the Liberty Release

  • Cinder architecture

    -Cinder Architectural Components

    -Cinder Volume Creation Workflow

  • Common Cider Management Tasks

    -Viewing the status of cinder services

    -Creating volumes

    -Attach a volume to an existing instance

    -Cinder smapshots and backups

    -Creating consistent snapshots

    -Snapshot operations

    -Creating a bootale volume

    -Cinder types

    -Cinder Volumes in the Horizon UI

  • Troubleshooting Cinder
  • Lab Exercises

    -Execise 1: Creating a Stack Volume from the CLI

    -Execise 2: Creating a bootable Cinder volume

    -Execise 3: Using Horizon to manage Cinder Volumes


Module 9: Swift – Object Storage Service

  • Swift Overview

    -Swift Function & Features

    -Swift account, container, and object features

    -Object Storage (Swift) API versio States – as of the Liberty Release

  • Swift Architecture

    -Swift Architectural Components

    -Swift Ring – Modified Consistent Hashing Ring

    -Swift Ring Partition

    -Example Swift Ring lookup

    -Swift Objet Addressing

    -Swift regions and zones

    -Swift Storage Po\rocesses

    -Example Object PUT Request Flow

    -Example Object GET Request Flow

    -Adding storage in a ring

  • Common Swift Management tasks

    -CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations

    -Example API PUT of an object

    -Swift from the Horizon UI

    -Troubleshootion Swuft

  • Lab Exercuses

    -Execise 1: Using the OpenStack® Object Storage Service

    -Execise 2: Exploring the Swift Configuration

    -Execise 3: Examine Glance Images Stored in Swift


Module 10: Heat – OpenStack® Orchestration

  • Heat Overview

    -Heat Funtionality

    -Geat terminology

    -Heat components

    -HOW a Heat templte works

    -HOT (Heat Orchestration Templae)

    -Heat template compnents

    -Example Heat template format

    -Heat stack

    -Orchestraion (Heat) API version States – as of the Liberty Release

  • Common Heat management tasks

    -Obtaining values required for the Heat template

    -Launching a stack from the command line

    -Viewing Stack Details from the CLI

    -Launching a stack from the Horizon UI

    -Viewing Stack Details from the Horizon UI

  • Troubleshootiong Heat
  • Lab Exercises

    -Execise 1: Configuring OpenStack for Heat

    -Execise 2: Geat basic template example

    -Execise 3: Viewing the status of Stack from Horizon

    -Execise 4: Template Input Parameters

    -Execise 5: Improving Templates

    -Execise 6: Providing parameters to heat command line

    -Execise 7: Providing template outputs

    -Execise 8: Complex Template Deployent

    -Execise 9: Cleanup


Module 11: Ceilometer - OpenStack® Telemetry Service

  • Ceilometer Overview

    -Ceilometer Functionality

    -Common Ceilometer Use Cases

    -Ceilometer metering

    -Ceilometer Terminology

    -Telometry (Ceilometer) API version States – as of the Liberty Release

  • Ceilometer Architecture

    -Ceilometer Architectural Components

    -processing the Ceilometer data

    -Ceilometer Data Collection

    -Transforming the Ceilometer Data

    -Publishing the Ceilometer Data

    -Storing the Ceilometer Data

    -Ceilometer alarms(Aodh)

  • Common Ceilometer management tasks
  • Ceilometer Troubleshooting
  • Lab Exercises

    -Exercise 1: Ceilometer Overview


Module 12: Other OpenStack® Projects

  • Askara (Network Orchestration)
  • Barbican (Key Management)
  • Designate (DNS-as-a-Service)
  • Ironic (Bare metal provisioning)
  • Manila (shared File System)
  • Sahara (Data Processing)
  • Trove (Database-as-a-Service)
  • Zaqar (Multi-project cloud messaging)


Module 13: Openstack® Deployment Planning

  • OpenStack Deployment Considerations
  • HPE Cloud Offerings



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