HPE-UX > HPE-UX Administration 과정
HPE-UX System & Network Administration II
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• HPE-UX 서버를 성공적으로 구성, 관리, 유지보수하기 위한 HPE-UX System and Network Administration 커리큘럼의 두번째 과정입니다.
• 이 과정은 50%의 이론과 50%의 실습으로 이루어져 있습니다.
• 수강대상자: HPE-UX 11i 시스템 및 네트워크 관리자, HPE-UX 서버를 인스톨, 구성, 유지보수하는 자
• 사전요건: HPE-UX System and Network Administration I
LAN Concepts
• Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
• IP addresses and network classes
• Host names
• Converting IP addresses to Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
• Populating the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache
• Managing packet flow with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• Sending data to applications via ports
• Managing ports with sockets
LAN Hardware Concepts
• LAN hardware components, topologies, and access methods
• Single- and multi-port Network interface cards
• Repeaters and hubs
• Bridges and switches
• Routers, gateways, and firewalls
Configuring IP Connectivity
• Installing and verifying LAN software
• Installing and verifying LAN interface cards
• Configuring link layer connectivity
• Configuring IP connectivity
• Configuring IP multiplexing
• Configuring the system hostname and /etc/hosts
• Configuring network tunable parameters
Configuring IP Routing
• Routing concepts and tables
• Viewing routing tables
• Configuring static and default routes
• Configuring the /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file
Configuring Subnetting
• IP addresses and netmasks in a subnetted network
• Host IP addresses on a subnet
• Routers in a subnetted network
Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
Network troubleshooting tools overview
Troubleshooting network connectivity via nwmgr, lanscan, linkloop, and lanadmin
Troubleshooting network connectivity via arp, ping, netstat, and nslookup
Starting Network Services
• Configuring network services via /etc/rc.config.d/ files
• Controlling network services via /sbin/rc*.d/directories and scripts
• Starting and stopping network services via /sbin/init.d/ scripts
• Creating custom startup/shutdown scripts
Configuring Network File Systems (NFS)
• NFS concepts
• NFS versions
• NFS servers and clients
• NFS RPCs, program numbers, and rpcbind
• NFS stateless operation concepts
• NFS security concepts
• NFS authentication and encryption concepts
• Planning an NFS configuration
• Selecting an NFS protocol
• Maintaining UID, GID, and time consistency
• Configuring and starting NFS server daemons
• Temporarily and permanently sharing file systems
• Verifying NFS server configuration
• Configuring and starting NFS client daemons
• Temporarily and permanently mounting NFS file systems
• Verifying NFS client configuration
• Troubleshooting NFS
• NFS vs CIFS features and benefits
Configuring AutoFS
• AutoFS concepts and maps
• AutoFS commands and daemons
• Configuring the AutoFS master and hosts maps
• Configuring the AutoFS direct and indirect maps
• Mounting home directories with AutoFS
• Configuring AutoFS to access replicated servers
• Troubleshooting AutoFS
Configuring Domain Name Service (DNS)
• DNS concepts and hierarchial name space
• DNS name servers and name server zones
• Configuring DNS master, slave, and cache-only servers
• Testing name servers with dig
• Configuring DNS clients and the /etc/nsswitch.conf file
• Testing resolver clients with nsquery
• /etc/named.data and /etc/named.conf
• Updating DNS master and slave servers
Configuring the ARPA/Berkeley Services
• Internet service clients and servers
• Configuring /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons
• Configuring /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services
• Configuring /var/adm/inetd.sec
• Configuring /etc/hosts.equiv and ~/.rhosts
• FTP configuration issues
Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)
• Network service vulnerabilities
• SSH encryption, server, and client/user authentication
• Configuring SSH encryption, server, and client/user authentication
• SSH single sign-on
• Configuring SSH single sign-on
• Using UNIX and PuTTY SSH clients
Configuring Network Time Protocol (NTP)
• Introduction to the Network Time Protocol(NTP)
• NTP time sources, stratum levels, and roles
• How NTP adjusts the system clock
• Configuring NTP servers and clients and verifying NTP functionality
Managing depots with SD-UX
• SD-UX depot server concepts and advantages
• Planning for depots
• Adding software and patches to a depot
• Removing software from a depot
• Registering or unregistering a depot
• Pulling and pushing software from a depot
Configuring LDAP-UX
• LDAP concepts
• Schema, object classes, attributes, and directory entries
• Directory Information Trees, DNs, RDNs, and LDIF files
• Servers, replicas, and LDAP clients
• Referrals and security
• Installing and verifying a Netscape Directory Server
• Installing and using a basic LDAP-UX client
• Configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.conf
• Managing passwords and directory entries
HPE-UX System & Network Administration I (H3064s)
• HPE-UX Logical Volume Manager
• HPE-UX VERITAS Volume Manager

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